Clear Space for Change

Do you ever feel weighed down by old beliefs and habits that no longer serve you? Does your daily routine seem to be stuck in a rut? Let’s take some time to reflect on how you can clear out the space in your life necessary to make positive changes and improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

I have just finished reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and am now a true believer in the magical energy of a clean environment. The author is Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo, who shares her years of experience helping individuals simplify and organize their belongings for long-lasting tidiness. Each page guides you through the details of the KonMari Method, instructing you to keep only those items in your life that “spark joy”.

In one of my favorite quotes she says, “I look at it this way. When a room becomes cluttered, the cause is more than just physical. Visible mess helps distract us from the true source of the disorder. The act of cluttering is really an instinctive reflex that draws our attention away from the heart of an issue.” Embracing her approach, I cleaned through all of my physical possessions, choosing to keep only those that truly brought joy to this phase of my life. I worked my way through the many clothes, accessories, books, old photos and journals that had built up within the walls of my childhood bedroom. I was amazed by how much emotion was evoked when holding some of my physical possessions, and even more in awe at how light and free I felt after releasing anything that I deemed no longer necessary.

I was inspired to apply her method to not only tidy up my physical surroundings, but to also tidy up my personal habits and self-talk, choosing to keep only those in support of a healthy, joyous life.

How can you declutter your mind and organize your daily routine in a way to support your healthiest self?

Visualize your destination before you start. Marie advises to, “think in concrete terms so that you can vividly picture what it would be like to live in a clutter-free space.” Use her visualization exercise to envision a day that firmly supports your health goals. Take the time to move through this ideal day in your mind, beginning with the moment you wake up in the morning and ending with the time your head rests on the pillow at night. I found it helpful to record myself speaking this exercise aloud in order to focus on as many details as possible. Details included in my ideal, healthy day include: meditation, journaling, gratitude before meals, connection with friends & family, exercise, yoga, cooking delicious food and relaxation. Don’t hold back in your vision – make your dream day really incredible! I encourage you to then listen to your voice recording (over and over, until your vision really sinks in). It is a powerful experience to hear personal goals spoken in your own voice.

Let go of patterns that no longer serve you. As Marie beautifully phrases it, “To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.”  How do you hold onto old patterns that no longer serve you? Take time to recall those experiences that have influenced your relationship with food, or your opinions of your current body. These may include statements people have said directly to you, or the way you have internalized messages from our diet-crazed / thin-obsessed culture. When you come across a belief or dietary practice that feels particularly “stuck,” consider why it developed in the first place. What meaning does it have in your life? The KonMari Method teaches us to say thank you to all things that have been a part of our physical experience before releasing them. No matter how wonderful or how painful the memory, it has helped to shape who you are in this moment. Choose only to keep the diet patterns and self talk that support your physical and mental well being. In other words, now is the time to release the restrictive rules of the unrealistic diet you followed last year, or ten years ago for that matter!

Cultivate Change. One of the main goals of the tidying process is to transform your physical environment into, “a sacred space, a power spot filled with pure energy.” How can you create time in your day to begin incorporating pieces of your vision? Can you take 30 seconds to say a positive affirmation? Do you have 1 hour to move your body in a way that feels great? Can you take time in the evening to prepare a meal that looks and tastes really yummy? By decluttering some of those old habits and beliefs, you have the space to listen to what your body truly needs in this moment. Through this process of creating a joyful life, I discovered that I really wanted a reading chair for unwinding at night (complete with a warm blanket, hot tea and beautifully scented candles!). You may be surprised to discover what your body desires to feel happier, and by de-cluttering your life you cultivate the space necessary to tune in to your intuition.

I recently listened to an interview with Seane Corn, who is one of the most recognizable yoga teachers and social activists here in the U.S. She reported that she has “6 non-negotiables” in her daily life that keep her grounded: yoga, meditation, prayer, therapy, sleep and diet. Seane told the interviewer that in order for her to be such a powerful teacher and activist, she must be equally committed to doing this personal work. Figure out your personal “non-negotiables” and make time to incorporate them in your daily schedule.