Pantry Staples + Smoothie Bowl

Guest Post by Bridget Shannon


I wasn’t always into eating healthy, but cooking is another story. Ever since I could get my tiny hands on a KitchenAid Electronic Stand Mixer, I’ve been experimenting in the kitchen. When I eventually needed to start eating healthy, I realized cooking could help me do so, and it changed everything. I’m still experimenting in the kitchen, but (most) meals revolve around whole foods and healthy, organic ingredients.

Eating healthy is SO much easier when we set ourselves up for success. The best way to do this? Stocking the pantry with all sorts of good stuff! There are a few things I eat or cook with on a regular basis, so I always make sure I have ‘em around.

Coconut oil: If you choose anything from this list, choose this. It reins king when it comes to healthy ingredients, and is an item I use multiple times a day. There are tons of uses for coconut oil (including in your beauty routine!) but my favorite is in cooking. It’s a great way to incorporate healthy fats, and I use it when sautéing vegetables, in salad dressings, in baking, in smoothies and in soups. I also use it as a moisturizer, and for oil pulling: its’ healing properties fight bacteria and boost the immune system.

Seeds: Incorporating seeds into your diet is probably the easiest way to start with superfoods. I store large mason jars of hemp seeds, chia seeds and ground flax in my fridge (keeping them cold helps them last longer!), and usually have pumpkin or sunflower seeds on hand, too. All these teeny tiny seeds will provide whopping doses of protein, fiber, omega-3s, vitamins and calcium. From salads and smoothies to fun recipes like chia seed pudding or flax bread, I use them ALL the time. Buy your favorites in bulk to save money!

Nuts: Another easy way to get healthy fats and protein, and simple to toss on salads, in smoothies, over yogurt or in baking. I always have cashews around, as well as almonds and occasionally pecans and hazelnuts. One of my favorite homemade granola recipes calls for a combo of all of these!

Nut butter: I am notorious for taking a spoon to a jar of almond butter and going nuts (no pun intended). I can’t help it, it’s just so good, and one of my favorite healthy fats. I use it in smoothies, on toast and in baking, as it helps keep me full and satisfied. Almond butter is my personal preference, but cashew, sunflower and peanut (natural, unsalted) are all great choices.

Cacao powder: My go-to in baking! When left unprocessed, cacao is chocolate in its healthiest form: full of antioxidants. I use it to healthify hot chocolate, cookies, brownies and cakes, plus it can add delicious flavor to smoothies and breakfast bowls (see recipe below!).

Herbs and spices: Each has special health benefits, but I love them because they add extra flavor to what otherwise may be bland dishes. My favorites to stock are sea salt (not to be mistaken for table salt), pepper, cinnamon, garlic powder, cayenne, turmeric, ginger, and crushed red pepper.

Apple Cider Vinegar: I swallow a spoonful every morning, plus use it in soups and salad dressings (easy dressing: ACV with coconut or olive oil and a squeeze of lemon).  This stuff is a miracle worker. It balances pH levels, boosts immunity, can aid digestion and help with weight loss. I also use it as toner on my face before going to bed, but that’s another conversation…

Brown rice or quinoa: These two make lunch and dinner so much easier. I often cook a batch of rice or quinoa on Sunday and use it all week long. Whole grains are a great source of energy, and less inflammatory than refined grains. Throw in some vegetables and protein of choice and you’ve got yourself an easy stir-fry, salad or rice bowl.

Fresh produce: Okay, so not exactly a “pantry” staple, but I always have produce in the fridge, and typically find myself reaching for the same things: lemons, avocados, bananas, kale, berries, sweet potatoes, onions, and red peppers. I use lemon whenever possible (most often in water and in salad dressings). Avocado is a close second, followed by my other favorite fruits and vegetables. I hit the farmer’s market every weekend, which my local farmers and my wallet thank me for.

Eggs, almond milk: The other two (fresh) items you’ll find in my fridge are eggs and almond milk. Eggs are probably my favorite source of protein. I could eat them in every meal! Almond milk is a nice alternative for dairy milk (and an equally great source of calcium), and great in a smoothie. Flavored almond milk is delish, just opt for unsweetened to avoid the unnecessary sugar.


Okay, I’m stocked. What should I make?

I love a good smoothie, but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up. I don’t know about you, but I’m all about the time-saving recipes in the morning, when I’m frantically rushing around to walk the dog, get dressed and make it to work on time. This breakfast bowl is loaded with nutritious superfoods, and it’s easy to make – all you need is a blender!

Superfood Smoothie Bowl


1 cup almond milk

1/2 banana

1/2 avocado

1 tablespoon almond butter (or favorite type of nut butter)

1 tablespoon cacao powder

Optional: 1 teaspoon chia seeds


Blend all ingredients until smooth and pour into a serving bowl. Top with whatever you have on hand. I usually go with fresh berries, unsweetened shredded coconut and nuts or seeds.


Author’s Bio:

Bridget Shannon is a Co-Founder of Crop Tops & Kale, where she and her partners report on all things food, fitness and feeling good. Health Coaches and graduates of Institute for Integrative Nutrition, they share the simple mission of helping women feel good. Through a mix of nutrition, personal development, fitness, fashion and finances, they investigate and report back on the most fun and effective ways to create a life that feels awesome every day.