Elevate Your Morning

Looking to get creative in the kitchen? I have always been intrigued by natural healing practices and have recently been experimenting with a variety of infused waters, supplements, and herbs. The following are simple, yet powerful ways to cleanse the digestive tract, boost your immune function, and balance your hormones. All of the following options can be added to your morning routine before you even take your first bite (or sip) breakfast!


Infused Water. The body loses water throughout the night, so it is important to hydrate first thing in the morning. During sleep, the liver is actively working to clear toxins from our systems to help the body restore and regenerate. Water cleanses the body, flushing waste that has accumulated overnight through the digestive system. It carries nutrients to cells throughout the day to fuel metabolism and boost energy. I recommend drinking at least 12 oz of water upon waking to flush the digestive system and rehydrate the body. (See my post Healthy Hydration for details on how much water you need each day.)

The following are a few of my favorite ways to boost the nutritional profile of your water:

▪ Lemon Water. Lemon energizes the body and the fresh scent has been shown to boost mood. It provides electrolytes and a dose of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function and promotes clear skin. Lemon is a major player in detoxification, stimulating liver function and increasing bile production to optimize digestion. Although considered an acidic fruit, lemon actually has an alkalizing effect on the body. Lemon is a powerful, yet inexpensive way to aid digestion and give your skin a radiant glow. Try starting your morning with 1/4 fresh squeezed lemon in a cup of warm water.

▪ Rosewater. Stop and smell the roses…or drink them. Rosewater is created by distilling rose petals with steam. Although you may not have thought to infuse your water with this delicate flower, rosewater is anti-inflammatory and has been studied for its calming effect on the nervous system. It also has antibacterial properties that promote clear skin (which, combined with its anti-inflammatory effect, can be particularly calming for anyone with sensitive skin or rosacea). For a beautiful, feminine way to begin the day, try Sakara Life Beautywater, which offers a blend of rosewater with 72 trace minerals to optimize hydration.

▪ Aloe Water. In the same way that Aloe vera gel is used to soothe a sunburn, it can also be ingested to cool and sooth intestinal irritation. Aloe is rich in enzymes and nutrients that support a healthy gut lining. It has anti-inflammatory properties that are particularly helpful for anyone dealing with IBS or IBD. Regular ingestion of aloe will promote regular bowel function and ease constipation. Aloe is also considered a prebiotic, which feeds healthy gut bacteria. (See my post Soothe and Cleanse with Aloe for more information about how aloe is healing for the gut, skin, and immune system.) If you have an edible aloe plant, you can cut open the leaves, scrape out the inner gel, and add it to your water. You can also purchase aloe vera liquid at health food stores. I recommend adding Lily of the Desert aloe vera juice to your morning glass of water to reap the benefits of this soothing plant.


Probiotics. These beneficial bacteria play an important role in our digestive health, metabolism, and immune function. Did you know that over 100 trillion microbes live in our digestive tract – most of which are beneficial to human health. Our gut flora can be altered by many external factors, including poor dietary choices, antibiotic over use, emotional stress, lack of sleep, and environmental toxins. When our digestive tract has the appropriate balance of good and bad bacteria, it is able to filter out and eliminate these harmful chemicals and toxins – thus allowing us to optimally digest and absorb the nutrients our bodies need. In addition to maintaining gut health, probiotics help exclude harmful pathogens to improve our immune system defenses. Although our diets used to be rich in fermented foods (which contain these beneficial cultures), I find most need a supplement to meet their needs. See my post Probiotics for a Healthy Gut for a complete list of probiotic food sources.

▪  If you are looking to try a capsule form, I recommend Dr. Ohira’s Probiotics® Original Formula or Garden of Life RAW Probiotics (which offers varieties for men and women). If you are open to trying a liquid supplement, I recommend Inner-ēco™ Fresh Coconut Water Probiotic – serving size is 1 Tbsp. All probiotic supplements need to be refrigerated to keep the cultures active.


Chlorophyll. If you remember back to elementary school science class, chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that absorbs light during photosynthesis to create energy. This superfood has now made its way into dietary supplements to provide antioxidant and anticancer effects. Chlorophyll works to increase phase II detoxification in the liver to improve the body’s natural elimination of harmful toxins and chemicals. Research also shows that chlorophyll binds to carcinogens (cancer-causing toxins) and heavy metals, inhibiting their absorption to prevent cell damage. As a good source of magnesium, a shot of liquid chlorophyll has an alkalizing effect on the body and will help offset the acidity of your morning coffee. (*Remember that chlorophyll is naturally found in all green plants, in highest concentrations when green vegetables are eaten raw or lightly cooked.)

▪ Try taking a shot of chlorophyll, or adding a few drops to water (thus turning it bright green) to increase energy and help protect your cells. (If you are not up for green shots in the morning, another option to get a dose of green superfoods is  PhytoGreens by Frank Lipman, a powder that mixes well in smoothies.)


Adaptogens. Edible herbs that help the body “adapt” to physical, emotional, or environmental stress and restore normal physiologic function. Adaptogens are touted to support immune function, increase mental focus, improve stamina, promote balanced mood, and relieve stress. As with taking any herbs, these are most effective when taken regularly (about the same time each day) in small doses. Add adaptogenic superherbs to help restore balance in your body and boost your morning health cocktail.

▪ Check out Sun Potion, a company that offers a wide range of medicinal plants, superfoods, and tonic herbs. Their high-quality products truly blur the line between food and medicine and they offer my two favorite adaptogenic herbs: ashwaganda and reishi mushroom. Ashwaganda is an Ayurvedic herb used to boost immune function and promote hormonal balance. Reishi Mushroom is a plant traditionally used Chinese medicine to relieve stress and “harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.” The serving size of both Sun Potion powders is 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams), and can be added to warm water, tea, or smoothies.

▪  If you would prefer to try a pre-blended mix of adaptogens, check out Moon Juice. Their cosmic line, Moon Dust, offers a variety of adaptogenic botanical blends, such as: Beauty Dust, Brain Dust, Spirit Dust, and Sex Dust. For starters, they offer a sampler pack for you to test out different blends to determine which works best for your body. Each “dust” is pre-packaged into individual serving sizes, so if you hit the snooze button too many times they can travel with you to be added on the go.


Be creative and find a routine that works best for your body. It is important to establish consistency in your supplement use to truly see results in your energy level, mental clarity, and hormone balance. Incorporating all of the above listed options takes me a total of 2-3 minutes, so they are not adding much time to your morning!




Natural Medicines Research Collaboration. https://naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com.

Linus Pauling Institute & Oregon State University’s Micronutrient Information Center: Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/dietary-factors/phytochemicals/chlorophyll-chlorophyllin.